Two variables

Graphs with two variables: symbols with either bars, boxes or violins.

Scatter or dot plots

There are two sets of scatter plot functions that use either geom_dotplot (i.e. plot_dot.. functions) or geom_point (i.e. plot_scatter..) geometries from ggplot2. When a lot of data points are involved, use plot_scatter.. functions and reduce overlap by increasing the value of the jitter argument.

Common arguments

All plot_ functions require a long-format data table as the first argument, followed by the name of the column (a categorical variable) to be plotted on the X-axis (xcol) and the quantitative variable to be plotted on the Y-axis (ycol). If provided in this order the data =, xcol = and ycol = need not be explicitly called (see examples below).

The next argument is facets, which enables the addition of another variable if necessary.

NOTE: in several examples below I’ve added guides(fill = "none") to save space; legends will be shown as default.

Data format

See the data help page and ensure data table is in the long-format.

Saving graphs

See Saving graphs for tips on how to save plots for making figures.

Bar graphs

plot_scatterbar_sd & plot_dotbar_sd

These functions plot bar graphs and show all data as scattered symbols for data (also called jittered symbols) using two kinds of layouts. In both cases, the categorical X variable is also mapped to the fill aesthetic for bars and symbols, and their colour can be set with ColPal argument.

Optional arguments include bsize (for bar width), ewid (error bar width), and symsize or dotsize (symbol or dot size, respectively). Opacity of bars and symbols can be set independently using b_alpha and s_alpha arguments, respectively. (Until v0.3.1, there was only a single alpha parameter to set the opacity of symbols. Older code with alpha will break v1.4.1, sorry!)

plot_scatterbar_sd(data = data_1w_death, #data table
                   xcol = Genotype,      #X variable
                   ycol = Death,         #Y variable
                   fontsize = 25)+
  labs(title = "Scatter dots with bar & SD", #title 
       subtitle = "(default `okabe_ito` palette)")+
  guides(fill = "none")
plot_dotbar_sd(data = data_1w_death, #data table
               xcol = Genotype,      #X variable
               ycol = Death,         #Y variable
               fontsize = 25)+
  labs(title = "Dot plot with bar & SD", #title 
       subtitle = "(default `okabe_ito` palette)")+
  guides(fill = "none")

symsize and ewid for symbol size and error bar width

#larger symbols
                   symsize = 4)+   #larger symbol size
  labs(title = "Larger symbols")+
  guides(fill = "none")
#error bars without notches
                   ewid = 0)+     #error bars without notches
  labs(title = "Error bars without notches")+
  guides(fill = "none")

ColPal, ColRev and ColSeq for colours

Let’s first see the colour order in okabe_ito and vibrant palettes.

#default palette (okabe_ito)
plot_grafify_palette("okabe_ito", fontsize = 25)+
  labs(title = "okabe_ito")
#choose a different one
plot_grafify_palette("vibrant", fontsize = 25)+
  labs(title = "vibrant")

Let’s change colour palette and order of colours.

#change to `vibrant` palette
plot_scatterbar_sd(data_1w_death, #data table
                   Genotype,      #X variable
                   symsize = 3, fontsize = 25, 
                   ColPal = "vibrant",   #vibrant palette
                   TextXAngle = 45)+  #rotate text 45 deg 
  labs(title = "`vibrant` palette")+    #subtitle
  guides(fill = "none") #no legend
#reverse colours from `vibrant` palette
plot_scatterbar_sd(data_1w_death, #data table
                   Genotype,      #X variable
                   symsize = 3, fontsize = 25, 
                   ColPal = "vibrant",   #vibrant palette
                   ColRev = T,        #reverse palette
                   TextXAngle = 45)+  #rotate text 45 deg 
  labs(title = "`vibrant` palette, reverse")+    #subtitle
  guides(fill = "none") #no legend

#reverse colours from `vibrant` palette
plot_scatterbar_sd(data_1w_death, #data table
                   Genotype,      #X variable
                   symsize = 3, fontsize = 25, 
                   ColPal = "vibrant",   #vibrant palette
                   ColSeq = F,        #not sequential colours
                   TextXAngle = 45)+  #rotate text 45 deg 
  labs(title = "`vibrant` palette, distant colours")+    #subtitle
  guides(fill = "none") #no legend
#reverse & distant colours from `vibrant` palette
plot_scatterbar_sd(data_1w_death, #data table
                   Genotype,      #X variable
                   symsize = 3, fontsize = 25, 
                   ColPal = "vibrant",   #vibrant palette
                   ColRev = T,           #reverse
                   ColSeq = F,        #not sequential colours
                   TextXAngle = 45)+  #rotate text 45 deg 
  labs(title = "`vibrant`, rev, distant colours")+    #subtitle
  guides(fill = "none") #no legend

s_alpha & b_alpha for symbol or bar opacity

For plot_scatter... functions, symbol opacity is set using s_alpha argument, and in plot_dot... this is adjusted via the d_alpha argument. Opacity of bar, box or violins is adjusted with b_alpha or v_alpha. This example makes bars white (b_alpha = 0), increases jitter to reduce symbol overlap and also reduces symbol opacity s_alpha = 0.7

#transparent bars
                   symsize = 3, fontsize = 25,
                   b_alpha = 0)+      #completely transparent
  labs(title = "transparent bars")+    #subtitle
  guides(fill = "none")

#increased symbol transparency
                   symsize = 3, fontsize = 25,
                   s_alpha = 0.5)+    #symbol transparency
  labs(title = "reduced symbol opacity")+    #subtitle
  guides(fill = "none")

jitter for symbol scatter

This can be done for all plot_scatter... functions (but not plot_dot... where layout is set automatically to prevent overlap of symbols).

                   symsize = 3, fontsize = 28,
                   TextXAngle = 45)+  #rotate text 45 deg 
  labs(subtitle = "Scatter dots, default jitter")+ #subtitle
  guides(fill = "none") 
#no jitter
                   symsize = 3, fontsize = 28,
                   jitter = 0,   #no jitter
                   TextXAngle = 45)+  #rotate text 45 deg 
  labs(subtitle = "Scatter dots, no jitter")+ #subtitle
  guides(fill = "none") 


This is similar to plot_scatterbar_sd, but uses geom_dotplot instead of geom_point, which can sometimes generate a ‘cleaner’ layout. Optional settings include dotsize, ewid and fontsize, which change the relative size of dots, error bar width and base font size. Here too, the categorical X variable is mapped to the fill aesthetic of the dots and the bar. Advanced parameters can also be set (look into ?geom_dotplot for help.)

For plot_dot... functions, symbol opacity is set using d_alpha argument (and bar, box or violin opacity with b_alpha or v_alpha).

Binsize in dotplots

Some dot plots may need an adjustment of the binwidth argument of geom_dotplot geometry, which by ggplot2 default is Y axis range/30. This can be changed if necessary.

Box and whiskers plots

plot_scatterbox and plot_dotbox

These related functions generate showing all data layered on top of a box and whiskers plot. The categorical X variable is mapped to the fill aesthetic of symbols and boxes.

In the boxplot, the thick line is the median, the box itself covers the interquantile range (IQR), and the whiskers indicate 1.5x IQR.

The default size of dots can be changed with dotsize and symbols with symsize, respectively.

Advanced parameters can also be set (look into ?geom_boxplot for help.)

plot_scatterbox(data_1w_death,    #data table
                Genotype,         #X variable
                Death,            #Y variable
                symsize = 5, fontsize = 25,
                jitter = 0.2)+    #jitter 
  labs(title = "Scatter & boxplot")+
  guides(fill = "none")

plot_dotbox(data_1w_death,    #data table
            Genotype,         #X variable
            Death,            #Y variable
            dotsize = 1.5, fontsize = 25)+
  labs(title = "Dots & boxplot")+
  guides(fill = "none")

b_alpha for transparent boxes

plot_scatterbox(data_t_pratio, #data table
                Genotype,      #X variable
                Cytokine,      #Y variable
                ColPal = "muted",
                jitter = 0.1,  #symbol jitter
                s_alpha = 0.7, #symbol opacity
                b_alpha = 0,   #box opacity
                LogYTrans = "log10")+ #transform Y axis
  labs(title = "Scatter & box plot, `muted` palette",
       subtitle = "jitter & bar opacity")

Violin plots

plot_scatter_violin and plot_dot_violin

These take similar arguments as boxplot functions above but plot a violin plot instead. Here’s an example of a violin plot with defaults. Since v2.0.0, a box and whiskers plot is also plotted on top of the violin. The box plot shows median and IQR, whiskers depict 1.5*IQR.

plot_dotviolin(data_t_pratio, #data table
               Genotype,      #X variable
               Cytokine,      #Y variable
               fontsize = 25, 
               ColPal = "pale", #"pale" palette
               LogYTrans = "log10")+ #log10 transform
  labs(title = "Dots & violin plot, `pale`",
       subtitle = "default (trim = F)")+
  guides(fill = "none")
#no trimming
plot_dotviolin(data_t_pratio, #data table
               Genotype,      #X variable
               Cytokine,      #Y variable
               trim = FALSE,   #no trimming
               fontsize = 25,
               ColPal = "pale", #"pale" palette
               LogYTrans = "log10")+ #log10 transform
  labs(title = "Dots & violin plot, `pale`",
       subtitle = "no trimming (trim = T)")+
  guides(fill = "none")

v_alpha & b_alpha for violin opacity

An example with transparent violins with just the symbols showing colour.

plot_scatterviolin(data_t_pratio, #data table
                   Genotype,      #X variable
                   Cytokine,      #Y variable
                   ColPal = "muted", fontsize = 25,
                   jitter = 0.1,  #symbol jitter
                   s_alpha = 0.7, #symbol opacity
                   v_alpha = 0,   #violin opacity
                   trim = F,      #trim set to false
                   LogYTrans = "log10")+ #log10 transform)     
  labs(title = "transparent violins")+
  guides(fill = "none")

#symbol opacity
plot_scatterviolin(data_t_pratio, #data table
                   Genotype,      #X variable
                   Cytokine,      #Y variable
                   ColPal = "pale", fontsize = 25,
                   jitter = 0.2,  #symbol jitter
                   s_alpha = 0,   #symbol opacity
                   bwid = 0.2,    #width of boxplot
                   trim = F,      #trim set to false
                   LogYTrans = "log10")+ #log10 transform)     
  labs(title = "No symbols")+
  guides(fill = "none")

b_alpha for white boxplots inside violins

The default is b_alpha = 0, which results in a white boxplot irrespective of palette chosen for violins. This can be changed by setting a different value for b_alpha.

plot_scatterviolin(data_t_pratio, #data table
                   Genotype,      #X variable
                   Cytokine,      #Y variable
                   ColPal = "pale", fontsize = 25,
                   jitter = 0.2,  #symbol jitter
                   s_alpha = 0,   #symbol opacity
                   LogYTrans = "log10")+ #log10 transform)        
  labs(title = "white boxes")+
  guides(fill = "none")
#white violins, coloured boxes
plot_scatterviolin(data_t_pratio, #data table
                   Genotype,      #X variable
                   Cytokine,      #Y variable
                   ColPal = "pale", fontsize = 25,
                   jitter = 0.2,  #symbol jitter
                   s_alpha = 0,  #symbol opacity    
                   v_alpha = 0,  #transparent violins
                   b_alpha = 1,  #opaque boxes
                   LogYTrans = "log10")+ #log10 transform       
  labs(title = "white violins")+
  guides(fill = "none")

Summary bar/point with SD

These are generally not recommended as it is best to show all data values.


By default, this function depicts mean and SD, which is less recommended as it is best to show all data whenever possible. in v3.1.0, all data points can be shown using opacity parameter all_alpha (which is set to 0 by default). The size, shape and jitter of all data points can be adjusted with all_size, all_shape and all_jitter, respectively. The symsize and ewid arguments set the symbol size and width of error bars, respectively.

The categorical X variable is mapped to the fill aesthetic of the bar and points.

The plot_bar_sd function is now deprecated; use plot_scatterbar_sd with s_alpha = 0 if you need it.

              ColPal = "bright", 
              fontsize = 25,
              ewid = 0)+           #no width on SD error bar
  labs(title = "Point & SD")+
  guides(fill = "none")

#show all data
              all_alpha = 0.5,     #opacity of all data
              all_jitter = 0.1,    #jitter for all data
              ColPal = "bright", 
              fontsize = 25,
              ewid = 0)+           #no width on SD error bar
  labs(title = "Mean & SD")+
  guides(fill = "none")

#CI95 error bars
              ErrorType = "CI95",  #CI95 error bars
              ColPal = "bright", 
              fontsize = 25,
              ewid = 0)+           #no width on SD error bar
  labs(title = "Mean & CI95")+
  guides(fill = "none")